We sought out Lucy with our 13 month old who had settling issues, frequent night wakenings, was fed to sleep, and co slept through the night. Needless to say we were all exhausted, and getting through the day a challenge for us all.
Within 4 days of starting Lucy’s sleep plan we could see huge improvements. Her stay and support approach was completely achievable and most importantly met our sons emotional needs throughout the whole process. Lucy’s baby sleep knowledge is vast. Every meeting was productive and she was always so supportive and considerate of our situation and individual needs.
Our son now sleeps 7pm-6am. Takes age appropriate naps and is a joy to put to bed. He’s such a happy boy during the day as he’s so well rested. We didn’t have to stop breast feeding, or ditch the dummy or use harsh cry it out techniques…yes she really is the baby whisperer! Couldn’t be happier…thank you Lucy!